McConnell Brain Imaging Centre Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University 3801 University St., Montreal (Canada): May 30 – Jun 2 2016
- Day 1. Review of the PET basics, available PET tracers and signal detection, highlighted by the keynote presentation by Dr. Peter Herscovitch, Head of the PET Department at the NIH Clinical Centre.
- Day 2. Application of PET in three major fields of neuroscience: stroke, psychiatry and neurodegenerative diseases.
- Day 3. Practical aspects of PET and interactive tours through radiochemistry and PET imaging facilities: meet the cyclotron and lay down in the scanner.
- Day 4. Hands-on training in reconstruction of PET scans and pharmacokinetic modeling. Please note that the registration for days 3 and 4 are limited to 12 seats. Day 1 will conclude with a wine and cheese with the speakers event
Program and registration: