The production of Tc-99m for medical imaging (daughter isotope of the Mo-99 produced by irradiation of the U-235 targets in research reactors).
In Europe there are 2 producers of Mo-99: COVIDIEN in Petten (NL) and IRE in Fleurus (B). IRE has irradiation positions in the following reactors: HFR (NL), OSIRIS (F) and BR2 (B) COVIDIEN has irradiation positions in HFR (NL) and BR2 (B). The combined Mo-99 output from COVIDIEN + IRE is about 40 to 45 % of the worldwide demand (total 27 million of Tc-99m imaging procedures per year worldwide). The combined Mo-99 output from COVIDIEN + IRE represents more than 90 % of the European demand (about 8 million procedures per year).